Monday, May 5, 2008

The Biggest Day in Sports!

Here in the lowcountry, the 1st Annual Helton Family Ping Pong Extravaganza was held at the home of a personal contact of mine.
Who was invited to the serious competition of many ages and both genders?
Was it ESPN? Sports Center? CNN? Local networks? No! It was I, Jaime Kesler, the elite photographer who received the invitation to attend the said event. It was stressful, but I managed to catch a glimpse of this impressive event on film. (okay, digital but you get the picture... no pun intended)

What is the best part of this type of competition that exudes physical athleticism and family fun? ...Is it:

The food?...

The wild spectators?:

The seriousness of the game?:

The aspiring younger players?:

The pressure?:

The groupies?:

The baby groupies?:

The extreme nature of the players?:

The crazy fans?:

The shock?:

The intensity?:

Seeing the softer side of the athletes?:

The heartbreak of defeat?:

The ferocious competitors?:

The beautiful female athletes?: (who says you can't be beautiful and tough?)

The men in their uniforms?:

The up and coming younger guys?:

The comeback from the underdogs?:

The fierce competition?:

The grace?:

The socks?:

The shoes?:

The raw emotion?:

or is it...
The T-shirts?:


Mrs.Naz@BecomingMe said...

Hysterical. Those socks could be a post of their own. LOL

GrandCanyonMom said...

Yes, those socks were pretty bad. The funny thing is that Caleb played his first couple games in jeans and a T-shirt. As the competition got more intense, the "outfit" (if you could call it that) came out. You should have seen him come out to the court stretching his neck, acting like this was big time. We cracked up. That was one of those wife eye rolling moments. Inside I really thought he was hilarious though.